Morning Kandee,

just started menopause really hard in the last 6
months and the headaches are ruling her life.
Everything revolves around them.

   It does not take much to Cause or Cure a Headache.

My son-in-law had headaches for years, regularly. He often went to the emergency room because of the headaches.

For some reason, he started taking one package of Emergen'C per day.
(  About 15 different items in the pack )

Headaches relate to circulation, electrolytes, minerals ( major, minor, and trace ) energy, and of course adequate water intake.

Without all of these, one is likely to get a headache.

Of course stress and other things causes an imbalance in all these things.

Adelle Davis stated that stress increased the requirement of some nutrients up to 50 times. We know she was wrong about a few things, but right about many.

Of course the problem could be the blood brain barrier, but no matter what ails a person, without enough water, they cannot expect to eliminate the problem.


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