My MIL has a norwalk but as is the case with some, it is found to be a
bit labour intensive. 

I once owned an Angel juicer (like a Green Power) to the tune of $1600,
I sent it BACK and bought a new Champion instead, they last for 20+ yrs,
plus I have the grain attachment and can grind my own flours and the
blank allows you to make nut butters and sherbert. I have to agree with
most reviews in that it is definitely a "little workhorse", it does
great juice, makes awesome 'ice cream' for us from either frozen bananas
or the Sproutmans vanilla ice cream recipe from cashews that we freeze
in ice cube trays and buzz through it.... HOWEVER now for frequent QUICK
use, I use the 'cheapy' Jack Lalane... and while it is not anywhere near
the nutrient quality that one would extract from an expensive juicer ,
with a super busy lifestyle and little kids at least we are USING IT!!!
ROFL. It has a WIDE hopper and I don't have to peel or cut the fruit
like I do with the Champion or other juicers. It is a HUGE time saver.
It depends on what you are looking to do... for wheatgrass, dandelions,
kale I have a manual stainless steel crank. If you are not sure you
would keep up with juicing, I would say buy a cheap one first- walmart
has them here for about $40 canadian or you can get one from a garage
sale. Definitely a Vitamix is a 'universal' appliance doing a wide
variety of things and again can be purchased used. If I had the money
though, I would DEFINITELY upgrade to a new one ;-) The other thing
about buying a 'good one' of anything is that if you tire of it, there
is still some good resale value in it ;-)

For those that are adventurous, you can take the pulp from straining
your almond milk or the left over pulp from making vegetable juices, you
can get creative and add spices, nuts etc., flatten them out and
dehydrate them or put them in your oven. They make excellent 'crackers'
and it is easy to do ;-)

Here is a link to juicer comparison chart although it doesn't have the
'real cheapy' ones on it:



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