On 1/28/2018 3:49 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

It's more or less a dead language, unless you are in a very specific environment. So no, most likely it is not worth learning, if you are thinking that you might work with it.

If you're writing code that's strictly for VMS and will never be used anywhere else, BLISS is a fine choice, if you're interested in learning it.

Compared to C? Well, it is similar, I'd guess/say.

BLISS-32 was designed as an operating systems language, so you can easily do things in BLISS that you can't do in C. On VAX, you could write subroutines that could be called via JSB instructions in MACRO, for example.

On the other hand, C has the C RTL. BLISS has no RTL, so be prepared for lots of calls to LIB$ and friends and system services.


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