In the PDP11 simh from a couple of weeks ago, the disk image files seem to
default to simh format ..  That's what I'd expect -


PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Current        git commit id: 054e8e56

sim> set rq0 rd54

sim> set rq0 enable

sim> attach rq0 foo.rd54

RQ0: creating new file

sim> show rq0

RQ0     159MB, attached to foo.rd54, write enabled

        RD54, autosize, SIMH format



  Looks good.  But in the latest version, it appears to be stuck in RAW


PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Current        git commit id: cc7721b9

sim> set rq0 rd54

sim> set rq0 enabled

sim> attach rq0 foo.rd54

sim> show rq0

RQ0     159MB, attached to foo.rd54, write enabled

        RD54, autosize, RAW format



  It didn't create an image file, and it's in RAW format now.  BTW, I
thought RAW format accessed a physical device.  There's no device named
"foo.rd54" - why don't I get an error for that?


  Worse, I can't even make it use simh format anymore -


PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Current        git commit id: cc7721b9

sim> set rq0 rd54                                    

sim> set rq0 format=simh

sim> set rq0 enabled

sim> attach rq0 foo.rd54

sim> show rq0

RQ0     159MB, attached to foo.rd54, write enabled

        RD54, autosize, RAW format



It's still in RAW format??!?  Is it supposed to be like this?




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