On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 10:50 PM, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  If the problem is so simple, why don't you just solve it?
>  http://www.securitystats.com/
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_botnet
>  There is a trend toward using (narrow) AI for security.  It seems to be one 
> of
>  its biggest applications.  Unfortunately, the knowledge needed to secure
>  computers is almost exactly the same kind of knowledge needed to attack them.

Matt, this issue was already raised a couple of times. It's a
technical problem that can be solved perfectly, but isn't in practice,
because it's too costly. Formal verification, specifically aided by
languages with rich type systems that can express proofs of
correctness for complex properties, can give you perfectly safe
systems. It's just very difficult to specify all the details.

These AIs for network security that you are talking about are a
cost-effective hack that happens to work sometimes. It's not a
low-budget vision of future super-hacks.

Vladimir Nesov

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