Could the system look up the tree from the requested resource for the error 
script? If no error script is found in the tree it could look for one in a 
default location. For example, if a request is made for 


Which results in a 404 the system would look in


For 404.esp


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-----Original Message-----
From: "Bertrand Delacretaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 13:58:40
Subject: Re: Chickens, eggs and stars

On Dec 12, 2007 5:52 PM, Michael Marth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Re issue 1):
> we could have a 404 handler script that kicks in when a non-existing
> resource is requested....

Good idea. Do you have a suggestion about how to select which 404 script to use?

Assume I have dropped some scripts under /apps/foo, and I request
/content/foo which does not exist.

IIUC you'd want in this case to use the /apps/foo/status.404.esp
script to handle this error, but how do we decide that this script is
more appropriate than, say, /bar/somewhere/404.esp?

We might say that we replace the first level of the pathname (/content
in this case) with /apps, and use that as a starting point to look for
scripts. That's a simple enough rule, but it's a bit constraining.


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