>Yes, I have - TAD can't be bothered returning my calls, and last time I
>spoke to them they wouldn't touch anything less than a pentium.

The situation is that the country is awash in discarded computers, I've
heard a figure of 800k computers being replaced each year. I'm not
surprised TAD will do nothing, they're probably short of help, which is
the limiting factor.

Not to appear ungrateful to people who donate but without an organised
and streamlined way of recycling them, volunteers who collect just end
up straining their backs, and burning up fossil fuel to move heavy boxes
from one collection to another collection.

I was hoping that the guy at the last Computerbank meeting who expressed
an interest in reviving CBNSW would make an announcement, but so far
nothing has happened. One idea floated is to find community
organisations that want a network of computers installed (including
diskless terminals) and to call for a Installfest on the premises.
Donors bring their old hardware on the understanding that anything not
used by the end of the day they would have to take home or deposit in
the skip themselves. Some prescreening of hardware via email would help
donors identify ahead of time what can and cannot be used.  This at
least cuts out a couple of transport steps.

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