At 09:53 AM 28/11/00 +1100, George Georgakis wrote:
>Good luck in your efforts. As an ex-ATO officer (with many contacts still
>in the organisation), I advise that you're facing an uphill battle and have
>little chance of success.
>The ATO is currently looking for ways to cut services. They need to face a
>huge public backlash before they switch this mindset. A few hundred names
>on a petition aren't enough; from experience, I can attest that they aren't
>even going to look at a proposal unless it affects several tens of
>thousands of taxpayers. Are there that many UNIX-based BAS clients in
>Australia, and more importantly will they all sign a petition? Somehow, I
>doubt it.
>Good luck anyway.

Apparently a LOT of pharmacists are running Linux (and the windows apps 
they require under Win4Lin). This might be a VERY good place to start 
garnering support for.

If I find any contacts, I'll forward them privately.

Stuart Young - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(aka Cefiar) - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[All opinions expressed in the above message are my]
[own and not necessarily the views of my employer..]

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