I've answered this question before but I signed over my copyright to
one Kerry Packer, so I'll write it again...

Why do I run Debian instead of RedHat?


I want to install Bugzilla.  The Bugzilla RPM has a large number of
dependencies.  Under RedHat I have to fine and download all the
dependent RPMs, and any dependencies they might have.  Under Debian I
type "apt-get install bugzilla" and it just happens.


Debian has a strong policy on where things should go and how things
should behave.  Config files MUST be in /etc.  RedHat has such a
policy too but most of the useful applications are in "contrib" and
are not actually part of RedHat and so rarely adhere to the policy.
Debian considers policy violations to be a bug and a package will be
removed rather than having policy violations.

Integrated Bug Tracking

Debian's bug tracking system is integrated with the whole project.  If
a bug is reported, the package maintainer is nagged until it gets
fixed.  This happens in RedHat's core packages but not with contrib
where it's anyone's guess how things happen.

Sensible Defaults

The default settings for Debian packages are generally sensible.  You
get the impression that the people packaging things actually use them
and know them inside-out, so the defaults reflect real-world
situations.  By contrast, RedHat's paid packagers may not necessarily
use the packages they work on but rather are ensuring that RedHat can
tick a box.

Case in point: dhcpd under RedHat.  It fails to create a leases file
and the default config file does not work.  This may make sense
(though not the leases file) but when you run /etc/rc.d./init.d/dhcpd
start you get _NO_ output, nothing explaining what went wrong.


For more rant-worthy material, see http://www.rumble.net/whyredhatsucks.html

Rev Simon Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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