to be honest I would have thought getting a proper Linux/Email server
Distribution of Linux would have me SuSE now has an
email/exchange replacement boxed CD set so does Mandrake....if its going
to be an email server well then install and email server the rest is a
waste of resources.

On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 12:48, Michael Fox wrote:
> Quoting Terry Denovan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi There, 
> > Just wondering, the company that I am currently working for is looking
> > at setting up a Linux server to host Mail on. I have been informed
> > that
> > the best one to use is Mandrake, 1. Its Free, 2. Its Easy.Could you
> > please confirm what software I should be using and who may be able to
> > help set it up. 
> All distributions are good, which one is best depends on whom you talk too. Yes 
> all of them are free in some way or form. As for being easy, that really 
> depends on the person who is attempting to install it.
> In the past I've used Debian/GNU with qmail/qmail-pop/courier-imap for a 
> schools mail server. And its been running for several years now :)
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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* Hey if you're going to get mad at me every time I do something   *
* stupid, then I guess I'll just have to stop doing stupid things! *

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