This one time, at band camp, wrote:
> I've just bought an Aspire One -- the Linux edition.  The price ($320
> after cashback from couldn't be beat, although
> this one has the Intel (slow) SSD.   The Linux version that's on there
> (Linpus) is a bit of a pain, so I installed Xubuntu instead.

Wow that price is pretty amazing!  Looks like there's similar prices out 
there too. That could win it for me.

> major advantages:  very light weight (<1Kg); 2.5hrs battery (or, I'm
> told, 6 with the larger battery one can buy) very cheap, reasonably
> put together, three USB slots and two SD card readers (you can
> apparently stick a 16G SDHC card in to triple your disc; the Linpus
> distribution mounts it as unionFS over /home, but I haven't played
> with it yet on Xubuntu).

Low weight is very promising.  The reviews of this one seem to say that 
the major downside is the battery life.

Thanks for the info.

Rev Simon Rumble <>

The Tourist Engineer
Geeks need vacations too.

 "It's better to die on your feet than to
  live on your knees."
- Power and the Passion, Midnight Oil
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