There was some discussion of an analogous feature at the Slurm User Group meeting.

Basically jobs would have their fairshare penalized immediately once a job launched for the full runtime, rather than actual time used. Which would have a similar effect to what you are asking for.

That said they aren't exactly analogous and I can see situations where one would want to do this sort of thing so that no one person can monopolize the queue.

-Paul Edmon-

On 10/6/2015 6:30 PM, Kumar, Amit wrote:
Just wanted to jump the wagon, this feature would help us as well...!!

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 5:23 PM
To: slurm-dev
Subject: [slurm-dev] RE: slurm job priorities depending on the number of each
user's jobs

Hi Markus,

We would also like such a feature.  We have a clunky but practical alternative
where a cron job repeatedly runs to reset the 'nice' factor for the top few
pending jobs for each user to spread priority, encourage interleaving of jobs
starting and help each user to have at least one job running quickly.  I can
provide our script if you are interested.  It requires allowing negative nice.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Markus Stöhr []
Sent: Tuesday, 6 October 2015 12:18 AM
To: slurm-dev <>
Subject: [slurm-dev] slurm job priorities depending on the number of
each user's jobs

Dear all,

we are currently looking at the details of the slurm priority multifactor
Basically it is doing what it should, but there are, at least from our
point of view, some limitations. The five contributions to priority
(fairshare, qos, partition, job size and job
age) are fixed at a time. So if a user has submitted a huge number of
equal sized jobs, all jobs have nearly the same priority. If such a
bunch of jobs has highest priority, nearly all of them might start
simultanously, not allowing the start of jobs of other users.
The situtation described above looks like this:

prio / user / job_nr_of_user
500 X 1
500 X 2
500 X 3
500 X 4
500 X 5
500 X 6

400 Z 1
400 Z 2
400 Z 3

300 A 1
300 A 2
300 A 3

What we want to achieve is something like the following list, ie. only
a few jobs of each user are getting the highest possible priority, all
others are reduced in priority, relative to the other users' jobs:

prio / user / job_nr_of_user
500 X 1
450 X 2

400 Z 1
300 A 1

250 X 3
250 X 4
250 X 5
250 X 6

220 Z 2
220 Z 3

200 A 2
200 A 3

Basically this would use the number of jobs per user and weight the
job index (of every user) with a damping function. The questions are:

1) Can this be done with existing parameters (e.g. limits of QOS/Partitions)?
2) If a own multifactor priority plugin is the method of choice, has
anyone maybe programmed one by him/herself?

best regards,

Dr. Markus Stöhr
Zentraler Informatikdienst BOKU Wien / TU Wien Wiedner Hauptstraße
1040 Wien

Tel. +43-1-58801-420754
Fax  +43-1-58801-9420754


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