On 6 December 2016 at 08:41, Nahum Shalman <nshal...@omniti.com> wrote

> Additional thoughts:
> I wonder how bad it would be to allow the LX brand to alter how many CPUs
> the Linux system calls see based on a zone property (probably a new one...)
> My first instinct is "not that bad", though my second instinct is "the
> consequences of doing so are subtle and it's probably much worse than I
> would think".

This topic comes up fairly often.  It's very difficult to tell a convincing
"lie" about how many CPUs are available on the system.  If you were to
report only 0-7 cores out of 24, for example, software querying the CPU ID
may still see higher identifiers if it's scheduled onto the other socket.
It's also possible that total CPU time enforced by the cap would exceed
what would be theoretically possible on the virtual CPUs which have been
presented.  (If 8.5 seconds of CPU time were consumed on those "8 cores" in
1 second, tools like 'top' might be grumpy.)

All in all, "subtle consequences" is an accurate description of why the
task is difficult accomplish correctly.

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