> every now and then vmadm operations fail with
>    zoneevent watcher exited prematurely with code: 1
> leaving the caller in limbo about about the state of the vm.  Our
> workaround
> is to restart vmadmd with
>    svcadm restart vmadmd
> which terminates not only vmadmd but also all the processes of
> /usr/vm/sbin/zoneevent.


The usual cause for this is that something (sounds like vmadmd in your
case) has failed to read from one or more of its zoneevent children. Could
you tell me which platform version (uname -v) you're using? Also: when this
happens are you seeing a lot of zoneevent children from vmadmd? If so, and
assuming you're running a recent platform, could you gcore the vmadmd
process before restarting next time and upload the core somewhere that I
can take a look at it?

The reason this usually happens that zoneevent exits immediately with an
error is that there's a limit on the number of sysevent listeners that can
exist on the system. We've fixed a number of bugs around this in the
platform over time, so I want to make sure that your platform is recent
enough to have the fixes.


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