On Wednesday 14 October 2009, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> On a slightly related note (please open a seperate thread, if anyone
> wants to talk about that), now that gypsy is more or less dead and the
> protocol didn't find much distribution/acceptance, I seriously consider
> proposing to ditch it for FSO2 and come up with a sane GPS dbus API for
> fsogpsd (we talked about that last year on this mailing list). Your work
> on a GPS configuration API could be the first bits of the new style.

If we're looking at a fresh API we should be looking at positioning in 
general. We have other sources of data such as cell lookup and magnetometers. 
In cars we may have access to speed data over CAN bus. We should provide some 
reasonably direct interface to each sensor available, plus a best estimate of 
position, orientation and velocity bsed on the available data.

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