
Ok, downloaded Alligate trial, installed in on a 2012 R2 server.
Made a local dns "server" (resolver) on the machine but I am not sure if I need 
it now that we can use the Google dns server by default.

How do I hook up Sniffer? I used to have Declude (and IMail) and had Sniffer 
connected that way, I now need to connect sniffer into Alligate.
I cannot find anything in the Alligate Docs I downloaded.

p.s. It seems there is still some support for Alligate, I noticed a recent 
update in the "Alligate V3 updates" zip file. But everything else seems to 
point to 2014 as the last time something was actively done.
Even the documentation lists nothing after 2014 and still talks about special 
settings for the (local) dns server.... on a Windows 2013 server.

With kind regards,
Bonno Bloksma
system manager

university of applied sciences
julianalaan 9 / 7553 ab  hengelo / the netherlands
t +31 (0)74-255 06 10
b.blok...@tio.nl<mailto:b.blok...@tio.nl> / www.tio.nl<http://www.tio.nl/en/>

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Van: discussion-ow...@alligate.com [mailto:discussion-ow...@alligate.com] 
Namens Bonno Bloksma
Verzonden: zondag 17 januari 2016 22:54
Aan: discuss...@alligate.com; sniffer@sortmonster.com
Onderwerp: [Alligate]Alligate and Sniffer again (NL)


I need to setup a spam filter server again so once again I will probably go 
with Alligate plus sniffer.
Is that still a viable combination? I have not been following the new these 
past 3-4 years when we had another solution in place.

On the Alligate site I still see Windows 2008 server as the highest recommended 
version, but we are up to Windows 2012 R2 now, it is my recommended OS for a 
new Windows server. Alligate still lists Windows 2000 and XP as a possible 
platform, I would not want to run anything on that today. Is Alligate still 
being supported as a basis platform for Sniffer?

If not, what would be a good platform for a sniffer spam filter server?
Although I have some experience with (Debian) Linux servers I rather not use 
that as I am the only one here with enough experience to know what I am doing, 
and not even that with Linux mailservers. So I would rather run Sniffer on a 
Windows platform.

With kind regards,
Bonno Bloksma
system manager

university of applied sciences
julianalaan 9 / 7553 ab  hengelo / the netherlands
t +31 (0)74-255 06 10
b.blok...@tio.nl<mailto:b.blok...@tio.nl> / www.tio.nl<http://www.tio.nl/en/>

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