Jeff writes:

<<Speed:    Speed is considered the luck factor. You
don't fly MOM....

WRONG!!!! This is a common misconception amongst many
pilots. I will say one thing... the fastest pilot on
the field will win. You have 4 minutes of working time
to optimize your slot. Sometimes you get sink..
sometimes you get lift... sometimes nothing... but he
who optimizes every aspects of all his speed slots
will win. 50 ft of launch altitude equates to about 1
second (given the same AUW). You'd better not be
giving anything up on launch. You'll have to read the
model in every phase of the flight- during launch -
during the ping - after the ping - as you're coming
back to enter... you'll have to know if it's a 15
second launch, 16/17/22???? Don't try to go 15 off a
17 second launch - you'll go 22. You need to read the
launch... Is the launch a keeper? Is the air going to
get better or worse? Should I relaunch? You've got
time for 3, maybe 4 if you're good. 

I can stand back from the line, watch the launches...
and tell how fast people are gonna go... I've made
comments like - 17 second launch... but Steiffel will
go 19... ;-) I'm always on the money...I've seen guys
go 17 in 15 second air ... and come back thinking they
just rocked the world.... actually... they just gave
everyone back 100 points...

My point is... those who don't understand the speed
task (or those who aren't fast) minimize its value and
significance. When I was competitive, why did I go
fast? Cuz I flew in the best air available in my
slot... I outlaunched the field on average... and I
flew the shortest smoothest course of anyone at the
comp. He who is the fastest will win at F3B, provided
he doesn't screw up anywhere else. 

You lose an F3B comp in distance and duration. You
can't win it here, cuz you only fly against a few
pilots every round... and there will be multiple

You win an F3B comp in Speed. It's the only place you
can make up points on the whole field. 

Daryl - speedy - Perkins

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