Why not just have everyone fly for 10 minutes to qualify for a landing
attempt with 1 meter concentric divisions like f3J.  After all, isn't
that what it's about?  Why not give bonus points for landing if they are
within 2 seconds over the time.  If they are short of 10 minutes then
zero flight points.

Isn't that what all the top experts do in each contest.

If you can't make the time, what makes you think you are good enough to
get landing points either?

BTW, DLG contests do MOM all the time.

The thought pattern is TOTALLY different in DLG contests.  There is a
set task, either you make it or you don't. The only thing I constantly
hear is how many points did you DROP, not how many points did you

This is not basketball, it is more like Golf.  The course is rated and
you know the task (par value) and you are being measured on what you can
or cannot achieve.


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