Hi Peter,

GRUB seeing a corrupted FS in stage 2 sounds more like disk geometry
trouble (see the Soekris Wiki pages). The xmodem upload issue is almost
certainly unrelated, since nothing is written to disk. You might want to
give cu/lrzsz a try for that one.


On Sun, 2008-08-24 at 15:03 +0200, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
> Background: I'm trying to install Debian Etch on a net4801. The
> installation works, but grub aborts with an "Error 16" (filesystem
> corrupt) while loading stage 2. In a previous thread it was suggested
> that this might be a problem with ComBIOS version 1.29 and that
> upgrading to 1.30 (or newer) might help.[1]
> So I grabbed b4801_133.bin from http://www.soekris.com/downloads.htm,
> booted the net4801 into the monitor, issued a download command, and
> selected "send file -> xmodem" in minicom. The result looked like this:
> +-----------[xmodem upload - Press CTRL-C to quit]------------+
> |Sending b4801_133.bin, 608 blocks: Give your local XMODEM rec|
> |eive command now.                                            |
> |Xmodem sectors/kbytes sent:   0/ 0kRetry 0: NAK on sector    |
> |Retry 0: NAK on sector                                       |
> |Retry 0: NAK on sector                                       |
> ...
> |Retry 0: NAK on sector                                       |
> |Retry 0: NAK on sector                                       |
> |Retry 0: Retry Count Exceeded                                |
> |                                                             |
> |Transfer incomplete                                          |
> |                                                             |
> | READY: press any key to continue...                         |
> +-------------------------------------------------------------+
> The serial port on the PC is a "real" serial port (no USB to RS-232
> adapter).
> Software flow control was off.
> I tried it with and without hardware flow control (though at 19200 bit/s
> I didn't expect flow control to be necessary) - same result.
> I also tried a block size of 1k instead of 128 Bytes - same result.
> Finally, I tried it with Hyperterm on a Windows PC. Didn't work either,
> but the error messages were a bit different (something like "unsolicited
> nak received" (translated from German)).
>       hp
> [1] The OP in this thread got it to work with LILO instead of grub - 
>     that's what I'll try next, but I think upgrading the BIOS should
>     work, too.
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