On 2010-06-24, Ralph Becker-Szendy <ra...@lr.los-gatos.ca.us> wrote:
> The real limitation will probably be amount of memory: To run a 1TB file
> server under OpenBSD you really need to have at least 1GB of memory
> available to the file system (once the kernel has taken its part), so
> you can run fsck and have enough file system buffer space.

You can hugely reduce fsck's memory requirements by adjusting newfs
parameters, especially increasing block size and decreasing inode density
from the defaults. Consider the expected average file size and have a
play with different parameters. Try it on a running system where you
can send SIGINFO to the fsck process and you'll get some feedback on
how far it's got. If you haven't tried adjusting this before, I think
you will be very surprised at the difference it makes.

If you have free RAM when the system is running you might want to
look at increasing the kern.bufcachepercent sysctl (this memory isn't
dedicated to buffer cache; if processes start using more memory they
take it back). But further discussion along these lines should
probably move to an OpenBSD list.

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