Earlier I wrote:

  The other problem is that the USB disk seems to work but I had a lockup
  when rsyncing lots of data to it.  The disk has a single gpt partition,
  and on dk0 (the partition) I have a single UFS2 filesystem that I mount
  with journaling (WAPBL, "o log").  This kind of disk works fine on a
  regular computer, and I wrote and read this particular entire disk to
  test it (before using newfs).

I've been looking into this, and:

  1) When the problem happens, the machine can still forward packets but
  the internal (IDE) disk is broken as well.

  2) ssh was using opencrypto, which used either

    hifn0 at pci0 dev 17 function 0: Hifn 7955, rev. 0
    hifn0: 3DES/AES, 32KB dram, interrupting at irq 15

    glxsb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 2: RNG AES

  3) After disabling opencrypto (by moving /dev/crypto out of the way),
  I have now pushed 19G to the USB disk without a problem.

So, I tentatively conclude that there's a bug in the NetBSD opencrypto
framework or drivers, or (less likely) perhaps in the crypto
accelerators themselves.

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