Chris Cappuccio <> wrote:

> There is no advantage to 64bit on this box unless forward-looking binary
> compatibility is on your list.

If you are doing lots of crypto by way of OpenSSL's libcrypto, 64-bit
can be significantly faster for a number of popular algorithms (AES,

---------- net6501-50, OpenBSD 5.4/i386 ----------
OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012
built on: date not available
options:bn(64,32) rc4(8x,mmx) des(ptr,risc1,16,long) aes(partial) idea(int) 
compiler: information not available
The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.
type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
md2                  0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00 
mdc2              1316.45k     1615.99k     1712.39k     1738.76k     1747.26k
md4               4936.01k    17990.31k    54015.57k   108121.13k   154028.65k
md5               3997.51k    15227.37k    47733.62k   102857.57k   155181.44k
hmac(md5)         5154.34k    18515.84k    55550.89k   111454.41k   158165.48k
sha1              4546.58k    15273.07k    42995.41k    78297.56k   103159.32k
rmd160            3883.51k    11894.88k    27480.88k    40856.58k    47965.38k
rc4              52165.95k    70481.37k    76799.49k    79048.72k    79729.12k
des cbc          16145.39k    17089.11k    17401.37k    17477.06k    17499.85k
des ede3          5849.76k     5978.34k     6014.64k     6023.91k     6028.33k
idea cbc          8713.12k     9162.16k     9276.64k     9305.81k     9316.02k
seed cbc             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00 
rc2 cbc           7512.73k     7903.23k     7994.26k     8017.48k     8025.98k
rc5-32/12 cbc        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00 
blowfish cbc     25897.38k    29496.75k    30504.48k    30706.78k    30911.87k
cast cbc         14125.50k    15081.97k    15407.46k    15485.53k    15510.37k
aes-128 cbc       8900.38k     9524.60k     9745.44k     9801.82k     9787.00k
aes-192 cbc       7336.21k     7803.41k     7963.81k     8004.21k     8017.82k
aes-256 cbc       6495.05k     6845.30k     6951.63k     6978.51k     6986.33k
camellia-128 cbc        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         
camellia-192 cbc        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         
camellia-256 cbc        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         
sha256            4978.27k    11987.99k    21308.39k    26482.61k    28644.78k
sha512            1707.65k     6828.93k    10107.92k    13988.66k    15758.03k
whirlpool         2795.19k     6244.95k    10795.29k    13175.35k    14149.57k
aes-128 ige       8487.77k     8848.31k     8958.21k     8984.66k     8994.87k
aes-192 ige       7056.14k     7304.10k     7373.99k     7402.06k     7402.74k
aes-256 ige       6319.89k     6482.58k     6540.25k     6553.60k     6559.04k
ghash            26411.66k    45536.45k    55386.75k    58784.40k    59856.03k
                  sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
rsa  512 bits 0.001879s 0.000190s    532.3   5252.2
rsa 1024 bits 0.011058s 0.000625s     90.4   1599.8
rsa 2048 bits 0.076061s 0.002336s     13.1    428.0
rsa 4096 bits 0.566111s 0.009109s      1.8    109.8
                  sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
dsa  512 bits 0.001942s 0.002161s    515.0    462.7
dsa 1024 bits 0.006225s 0.007201s    160.6    138.9
dsa 2048 bits 0.023164s 0.027479s     43.2     36.4
                              sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
 160 bit ecdsa (secp160r1)   0.0011s   0.0045s    873.3    222.0
 192 bit ecdsa (nistp192)   0.0015s   0.0063s    683.9    159.2
 224 bit ecdsa (nistp224)   0.0019s   0.0085s    535.0    117.7
 256 bit ecdsa (nistp256)   0.0024s   0.0111s    425.2     90.1
 384 bit ecdsa (nistp384)   0.0053s   0.0274s    190.2     36.5
 521 bit ecdsa (nistp521)   0.0113s   0.0646s     88.2     15.5
 163 bit ecdsa (nistk163)   0.0034s   0.0121s    290.4     82.5
 233 bit ecdsa (nistk233)   0.0076s   0.0236s    131.5     42.4
 283 bit ecdsa (nistk283)   0.0117s   0.0417s     85.7     24.0
 409 bit ecdsa (nistk409)   0.0308s   0.0955s     32.5     10.5
 571 bit ecdsa (nistk571)   0.0787s   0.2176s     12.7      4.6
 163 bit ecdsa (nistb163)   0.0035s   0.0132s    289.6     76.0
 233 bit ecdsa (nistb233)   0.0075s   0.0259s    132.5     38.7
 283 bit ecdsa (nistb283)   0.0117s   0.0465s     85.5     21.5
 409 bit ecdsa (nistb409)   0.0309s   0.1078s     32.3      9.3
 571 bit ecdsa (nistb571)   0.0788s   0.2478s     12.7      4.0
                              op      op/s
 160 bit ecdh (secp160r1)   0.0039s    257.3
 192 bit ecdh (nistp192)   0.0054s    184.9
 224 bit ecdh (nistp224)   0.0073s    137.9
 256 bit ecdh (nistp256)   0.0095s    105.8
 384 bit ecdh (nistp384)   0.0236s     42.5
 521 bit ecdh (nistp521)   0.0545s     18.4
 163 bit ecdh (nistk163)   0.0059s    168.5
 233 bit ecdh (nistk233)   0.0113s     88.7
 283 bit ecdh (nistk283)   0.0199s     50.2
 409 bit ecdh (nistk409)   0.0462s     21.7
 571 bit ecdh (nistk571)   0.1055s      9.5
 163 bit ecdh (nistb163)   0.0064s    156.4
 233 bit ecdh (nistb233)   0.0125s     79.8
 283 bit ecdh (nistb283)   0.0225s     44.5
 409 bit ecdh (nistb409)   0.0525s     19.1
 571 bit ecdh (nistb571)   0.1204s      8.3

---------- net6501-50, OpenBSD 5.4/amd64 ----------
OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012
built on: date not available
options:bn(64,64) rc4(16x,int) des(idx,cisc,16,int) aes(partial) idea(int) 
compiler: information not available
The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.
type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
md2                  0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00 
mdc2              1508.93k     1750.67k     1821.00k     1840.14k     1841.84k
md4               4668.65k    17209.22k    55560.16k   125607.38k   200078.03k
md5               3671.20k    13466.54k    44047.14k   101879.84k   164985.79k
hmac(md5)         4076.37k    14882.81k    47686.00k   106378.29k   166768.44k
sha1              4123.94k    14443.31k    40767.53k    75488.87k   100241.78k
rmd160            2587.90k     7110.31k    14442.91k    19434.91k    21639.40k
rc4              49412.35k    84958.17k   100335.25k   105957.46k   107756.10k
des cbc          10438.25k    11050.80k    11260.34k    11309.25k    11327.28k
des ede3          4017.98k     4115.09k     4145.07k     4152.13k     4155.88k
idea cbc          7552.07k     7896.32k     7984.99k     8004.89k     8012.37k
seed cbc             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00 
rc2 cbc           8698.83k     9158.25k     9275.96k     9301.05k     9316.02k
rc5-32/12 cbc        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00 
blowfish cbc     21423.72k    23858.54k    24522.08k    24713.78k    24785.56k
cast cbc         19297.81k    21090.15k    21721.64k    21868.69k    21917.00k
aes-128 cbc      13666.32k    15076.42k    15588.53k    15720.61k    15763.48k
aes-192 cbc      11496.38k    12597.96k    12991.11k    13089.17k    13120.81k
aes-256 cbc      10056.20k    10814.89k    11050.27k    11107.51k    11128.60k
camellia-128 cbc        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         
camellia-192 cbc        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         
camellia-256 cbc        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         
sha256            5519.53k    14269.28k    27946.87k    36878.29k    40668.79k
sha512            5375.32k    22830.54k    36556.71k    54364.87k    63473.03k
whirlpool         2472.90k     5859.95k    10535.46k    13180.68k    14223.05k
aes-128 ige      13667.69k    14538.59k    14848.34k    14920.12k    14944.28k
aes-192 ige      11464.10k    12177.01k    12460.91k    12526.48k    12543.83k
aes-256 ige      10029.76k    10506.18k    10665.25k    10702.67k    10714.92k
ghash            31280.43k    48773.61k    56565.11k    59107.93k    59905.02k
                  sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
rsa  512 bits 0.000841s 0.000074s   1189.4  13566.6
rsa 1024 bits 0.003707s 0.000206s    269.7   4860.0
rsa 2048 bits 0.022959s 0.000707s     43.6   1413.7
rsa 4096 bits 0.167333s 0.002687s      6.0    372.2
                  sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
dsa  512 bits 0.000818s 0.000821s   1222.9   1218.0
dsa 1024 bits 0.002100s 0.002374s    476.2    421.3
dsa 2048 bits 0.007062s 0.008542s    141.6    117.1
                              sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
 160 bit ecdsa (secp160r1)   0.0008s   0.0028s   1327.7    363.1
 192 bit ecdsa (nistp192)   0.0009s   0.0034s   1129.0    297.4
 224 bit ecdsa (nistp224)   0.0011s   0.0048s    885.2    209.7
 256 bit ecdsa (nistp256)   0.0013s   0.0056s    760.5    178.2
 384 bit ecdsa (nistp384)   0.0026s   0.0130s    378.7     76.9
 521 bit ecdsa (nistp521)   0.0055s   0.0301s    180.8     33.3
 163 bit ecdsa (nistk163)   0.0018s   0.0074s    562.9    134.3
 233 bit ecdsa (nistk233)   0.0034s   0.0101s    293.3     98.8
 283 bit ecdsa (nistk283)   0.0054s   0.0210s    183.6     47.6
 409 bit ecdsa (nistk409)   0.0132s   0.0435s     75.8     23.0
 571 bit ecdsa (nistk571)   0.0299s   0.0953s     33.5     10.5
 163 bit ecdsa (nistb163)   0.0018s   0.0078s    559.0    127.4
 233 bit ecdsa (nistb233)   0.0034s   0.0108s    295.6     93.0
 283 bit ecdsa (nistb283)   0.0055s   0.0230s    181.9     43.6
 409 bit ecdsa (nistb409)   0.0132s   0.0483s     75.5     20.7
 571 bit ecdsa (nistb571)   0.0298s   0.1070s     33.6      9.3
                              op      op/s
 160 bit ecdh (secp160r1)   0.0023s    429.4
 192 bit ecdh (nistp192)   0.0029s    347.6
 224 bit ecdh (nistp224)   0.0041s    246.8
 256 bit ecdh (nistp256)   0.0047s    212.0
 384 bit ecdh (nistp384)   0.0109s     91.7
 521 bit ecdh (nistp521)   0.0253s     39.5
 163 bit ecdh (nistk163)   0.0037s    272.7
 233 bit ecdh (nistk233)   0.0049s    202.5
 283 bit ecdh (nistk283)   0.0103s     97.5
 409 bit ecdh (nistk409)   0.0215s     46.4
 571 bit ecdh (nistk571)   0.0470s     21.3
 163 bit ecdh (nistb163)   0.0039s    256.4
 233 bit ecdh (nistb233)   0.0052s    193.4
 283 bit ecdh (nistb283)   0.0113s     88.1
 409 bit ecdh (nistb409)   0.0239s     41.9
 571 bit ecdh (nistb571)   0.0530s     18.9

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                
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