>I suppose if they were to discover that all of the boards had a
>component with a fatal flaw then that would preclude them from selling
>more of them?

Here's the worst thing about this: WE DON'T KNOW!

Soekris hasn't said, "Boards sold after date <X> do not have any known
defects".  They haven't said ANYTHING.  I would have thought that boards
replaced under warranty would have been fine, but clearly we have evidence
that isn't the case.  Now we don't have a timeline on exactly which boards
failed when, but the people who DO (Soekris) aren't talking.

Look, I understand that a small company doesn't have the resources to do
a complete recall.  But they COULD at least explain, "Hey, look, this
is the problem.  Boards after date X don't have the problem".  And maybe
they could do a discount for people who had board failures outside of the
warranty window.  But clearly none of that is going to happen, and we're
all left to wonder what the hell happened.

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