On 2017-04-19 19:02:58 -0400, Ken Hornstein wrote:
> As for something happening to Soren ... well, I have no inside
> knowledge about that.  I couldn't help noticing that he stopped
> posting to the mailing lists in the 2011-2012 timeframe, right when
> the first batch of 6501s started dying and people started mentioning
> it on here (if you look you can see him engage the first customers who
> had their 6501s die).

I don't think this is right: Soren posted fairly regularly until mid
2013. The first reports of this particular problem are AFAICS from early
2014, and Soren didn't reply to them (although there is one posting from
him from that time, so he was apparently still on the list).

> I'll leave it to others to draw their own conclusions.

Yup. I won't speculate either.

But it seems that Soekris halted development of new products and
improvements of their existing products at about the time Soren stopped
posting. That's now almost 4 years ago.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer           | I think we need two definitions:
|_|_) | WSR - Softwaredevelopment | 1) The problem the *users* want us to solve
| |   | und Projektunterstützung  | 2) The problem our solution addresses.
__/   | h...@wsr.ac.at             |    -- Phillip Hallam-Baker on spam

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