Sorry, but the idea that MRray is a powerful but misunderstood rendering
engine seems to be coming from the fact that these days they are being
bashed a lot, and are acquiring almost underdog status again, swaying
popular opinion in support again.
There are very few meanings of the word powerful that would apply to MRay
when you compare it to competitors, and v4 is a long overdue, multiple
times failed endeavour that we're all still waiting to see eventuate.

It has one of the biggest collections of incoherent, half implemented
changes of direction in any engine on record to date. They had the
penetration and clout to really change the game and institute new
standards, but they repeatedly dropped the ball on that front too (MetaSL
It remains one of the least reliable and cryptic, most patched engines out
there to squeeze quality out of.

As for them deciding not to participate into integration, am I the only one
who remembers what their efforts in those regards looked like? They weren't
exactly stellar.
The good times of MR in Soft were an anomaly when raytracing was
underdeveloped and dormant, combined with one smart, stubborn, determined
cookie (Halfy) doing miracles, but both those factors are gone.

It shouldn't be upheld as anything. The less you do that, the sooner you
stand a (albeit very small) chance that it will stop being bundled for
money you shouldn't be paying with your apps, so you can pick something
else that actually works the way it was intended to.

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Andy Moorer <> wrote:

> The sad thing is Mental Ray is a good and powerful renderer. Mental
> image's fateful decision to not participate in integration/implementation
> and leave it to Autodesk has done them tremendous damage.

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