On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 3:43 AM, Christian Freisleder <m...@buntepixel.eu>wrote:

>  What happened to Zap Anderson (aka. Master Zap).
> didn't he leave Mental Images and went to Autodesk to help with the
> integration of MR?
> http://mentalraytips.blogspot.de/2011/09/this-is-100th-post.html
> maybe 1 year isn't enough time to do it in all applications and thats
> maybe why 3ds catches up with features, but if he is still there there
> might be hope.

While Master Zap has unquestionably done a huge amount of good in the MR
community, and absolutely knows more about MR than I ever will, I think we
ought to temper our enthusiasm for what he might be able to achieve.  He is
one person, and if the implementation of his work in AD products is any
example, even having the benefit of his efforts can lead to mediocre

The history of unresolved bugs and poorly conceived workflow in the arch
materials' implementation is more than annoying. The amount of person-hours
and CPU-hours wasted by people who simply don't know what all the settings
do, nor which ones should be used in what situation, must represent a
substantial fraction of the CG budget of any company that has had to rely
on them. The mere existence of Felix Geremus's much-improved shader, and
the fact that it had to be built, after years of complaints unaddressed by
Autodesk, by a generous individual and distributed for free, is pretty
clear evidence of at least one missed opportunity.

Technology evolves.  Software-based technology is supposed to be
improvable, not static. The whole point of the current architecture of
computers is to allow for changes to be made.  For all of the base shaders
in AD's products to remain unchanged after 3, 5 or 20 (!) years of steady
and proven improvements in shader design is shameful. (And yes, I realize
that you can't "improve," say, Lambert or Phong shading, as they are
specific algorithms -- but you could for example replace the glossiness
code with the better one that came along years later, but is only available
in the mia and mib shaders.)  How would you feel if, say, you had to use
Office '95 to this day?  What is even more shameful is the fact that Mental
Images *has* been improving their code, but that the improvements are
poorly or not at all implemented in AD's products.

Some might protest that AD (and Avid and Microsoft) have no obligation to
provide continuous improvement, or add more modern tools as time passes;
that providing a platform for others to build on is enough.  If that were
the case, then these products should have been sold that way, as dev
platforms and frameworks, not as cutting-edge applications.  These packages
have always been represented as cutting-edge *solutions* and we pay dearly
for support.

Look, I know it's easier to market a completely new tool than an
improvement to an old one.  But AD has an obligation to maintain the
viability of the toolset they provide.  What if your car had all modern
amenities and safety equipment, like power locks, air bags, air
conditioning, anti-lock brakes, traction control, satellite nav, a fancy
audio system, but *ONLY* the 1.0 version of each of those things -- and
*ONLY* the 1.0 version of the throttle (a knob or lever, not a gas pedal),
the steering (a tiller, not a wheel), the tires (unvulcanized rubber with
inner tubes), and an engine that required a mechanic to ride aboard?  Would
you even buy it? Would anyone even be able to drive it safely?

As Andy pointed out earlier, rendering is in a way the whole point of the
exercise. Yet of all the tools in the toolset, it seems to be the one
without any incremental improvements or bugfixes.  We get whole new tools
like FG, or IP, but any improvement to those things comes years late if
ever.  I'm not asking for new features.  I want the features we've had for
years to work properly.

I want simple, clear workflows and clean UIs. I want default materials that
use modern algorithms. I want UI defaults that are approximately
"correct."  I want controls that have actual units (like, say lux, or
candelas) when appropriate.  I want sliders that don't have their
meaningful range compressed into 1/50th of the width of the slider, or
totally off the scale.  I want sliders that *HAVE* a scale, for crying out
loud (look at Nuke -- some sliders are linear, some are log, some
exponential -- and they all have tickmarks and numbers).

Yes, it's great to have all the controls available in one place, like the
arch mat.  But that doesn't change the fact that for 99.9% of real-world
materials (which is what we spend most of our time trying to simulate), you
only need *one* color to describe the material color. They don't have
separate reflection, refraction, translucency, irradiance, and
incandescence colors. If it's a dielectric, the reflections are *white*,
period -- only their intensity varies.  If it's transparent or translucent
(I'm ignoring scattering here, because so do most of our shaders), the
transmission has *one* color, not one for refraction, one for adsorption,
one for "falloff." And of course, and the VRay guys remind us, EVERYTHING
HAS FRESNEL. And energy is conserved, always.

Sorry for the rant, but my point is this. The mia_arch_mat PPG has 69
parameters (if you count colors as either 3 or 4 params, you have a lot
more) and several more that have ports but no controls (like texture
coords), and *MANY* of them need to be set to produce even a
minimally-useful render. It's enormously useful to have those params when
you need them (if they actually work).  But that is rare.  Most materials
that we make with the arch mat could be very well described by:

   1. color (RGB)
   2. luminosity, if it glows (scalar)
   3. adsorption distance (if transparent or translucent) (scalar)
   4. IOR (complex please) (1 or 2 scalars)
   5. refractive diffusion (scalar)
   6. reflective diffusion (glossiness) (scalar)
   7. reflectivity (scalar)
   8. bump/normals (3-vector)
   9. UVW values (3-vector)
   10. Opacity/output alpha (scalar)

That's IT.  Most of the time you don't need sampling or optimization
controls -- you want the samples = "enough to not buzz" so obviously the
more diffuse something is the more samples need to be taken, and when
*wouldn't* you want your shader to be "optimized" as long as it doesn't add
nasty artifacts?

This looks like the basic Lambert or Phong controls, doesn't it? But those
legacy shaders don't actually interconnect most params internally, so
changing IOR doesn't affect reflectivity, for example, and energy isn't
automatically conserved.  So they're pretty much useless for modern
rendering of physically-plausible materials.

Now, I can build (and have built) presets in the render tree that take care
of much of this.  But that's messy, frightens the kids, and is ridiculously
slow to load if I make it a compound and give it a clean PPG.  Not to
mention, not very optimized. We need compiled code, or at least a UI that
doesn't bog down traversing a graph with lots of interdependencies. Mental
Mill may have been a step in the right direction, but it was a small step
and is deprecated now anyway. So is MetaSL.


Please, Autodesk & nVidia:  fix this.  I don't care how we got here or who
was responsible. I don't care if people messed up or not.  I just want to
be able to use the tools in which I've invested many tens of thousands of
dollars and virtually all of my waking hours for 15 years.  I made those
investments, in Softimage and Mental Ray, deliberately, in every sense of
the word, because I believed that they were the best tools available.  They
may or may not be the best tools available now, but they are my tools and I
need you guys to step up and make them work properly. That probably means
that you need to work together rather than independently. I'm glad to hear
vague talk that that is happening. Here's hoping that you all can follow
through on this in time for all of us out here.


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