* CPSet is called Vertigo, hence *Camera.Vertigo.width_at_interest*

On 18 July 2013 12:39, patrick nethercoat <patr...@brandtanim.co.uk> wrote:

> I thought I'd knock something up while eating my lunch, but something's
> afoot. Maybe someone can point out where this is wrong.
> I have
> 1. a camera with a custom parameter to define the width at the interest
> that needs to remain static.
> 2. An expression on the camera FOV:
> *asin( Camera.Vertigo.width_at_interest / ctr_dist( Camera.,
> Camera_Interest. ) ) * 2*
> so it *should* work, according to my misty trig, but it drifts especially
> as the camera gets close to the interest.
> Any ideas?
> On 18 July 2013 11:47, Simon Reeves <si...@simonreeves.com> wrote:
>> But seriously it is a nice tool in max... I agree it would be nice to have
>> Simon Reeves
>> London, UK
>> *si...@simonreeves.com*
>> *www.simonreeves.com*
>> *
>> *
>> On 18 July 2013 11:44, Simon Reeves <si...@simonreeves.com> wrote:
>>> hitchcock style!
>>> On 18 July 2013 11:43, Eugen Sares <sof...@mail.sprit.org> wrote:
>>>>  Adjusting the FOV "zooms" what the camera sees at the same time, so
>>>> you have to compensate back by actually changing the camera's z position.
>>>> This tool would do that automatically, so the "observed" size of the
>>>> objects remain, but, well, the perspective changes.
>>>> Am 18.07.2013 12:29, schrieb patrick nethercoat:
>>>> How is what you want different from just adjusting the FOV?
>>>> On 18 July 2013 11:22, Eugen Sares <sof...@mail.sprit.org> wrote:
>>>>> Guys,
>>>>> anyone knows of a tool to change only the perspective of a camera?
>>>>> Something that combines a camera's FOV and it's zoom, so you just see
>>>>> the lines converging more or less, interactively.
>>>>> 3ds Max has this - we don't?
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Eugen

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