This was the solution I came up with. Still refining it to have more
options per null but already using it in production.


On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 10:15 PM, Manny Papamanos <> wrote:

> Perhaps deform by volume?
> This doesn't deal with weight though but can be flexible since you can
> interactively mod the radius on the volume deformers.
> Manny Papamanos
> Product Support Specialist
> Americas Frontline Technical Support
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of pedro santos
> Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 4:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: Envelopes, Weights, Deformers and setting them up.
> Hi
> We use Species here for ease and speed. So the head and jaw have their
> deformers, and the facial expressions are done through Shapes on a FaceRig
> panel. For some time now the animator wants some additional Facial controls
> so he isn't restricted by the range of the shapes. And he wants something
> that does not turn into a cumbersome task given the revisions/iterations
> over an asset. I'm fairly new to Softimage and these were the approaches I
> went about:
> Doritos
> I had it setup, just one thing that is dragging the process; Envelopes are
> generated by distance but there's always normalization. So if I want them
> to just have a straight spherical falloff into black I can't. Or even to
> falloff into another dummy null weight, I can't. So I had to paint, around
> the ears, on the top of the head and sides, neck, etc. I was trying to
> minimize paitings so iterations on a model's rig can be faster.
> I could put an inplicit per Derformer set on Bounding Volume > Limit. But
> it's an abrupt cut off.
> Deform by Spine
> Creates the falloff I want from the curve. I like the "drawn" deformations
> it does on mouth and eyes. I do an operator per curve, since the combined
> weights of several curves seems wonky. The downside seems to be that I
> can't transfer them with GATOR. How would you come about to transfer Deform
> by Spine between objects to save time?
> General Concerns.
> I come from Lightwave and Envelopes to me seem to be like a box of weights
> that are usually normalized. I see that deformers like Cage, Spine also
> generate such box of weights, but they don't seem to be handled as
> envelopes.
> How flexible and manipulated can be weights and the underlying connections
> of Softimage between the mesh object, the weight, the control null and the
> deforming operator?? Seems to me that such weights don't exist without the
> deformers.
> This Image<
> illustrates what I'me trying to do.
> Cheers
> probiner


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