On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 5:25 AM, Stefan Kubicek <s...@tidbit-images.com> wrote:
> I had the same problem and ended up copy/pasting image paths manually into
> the rotoscope options of each camera.
> The thing is that Softimage doesn't have an equivalent feature to Maya's
> image planes. Image planes have a specifiable depth from the camera, while
> Soft's roto feature always consideres the image to be "in the back", behind
> anything else. If you need proper image planes you will need to attach grids
> to cameras manually and controll their distance with a custom param from the
> camera, or fully manually.

Buzzzt! No.

XSI has image planes with placement in depth since v6.0.
Look again at that rotocopy property page, the Image Placement options.

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