There are many more than these 5, but here you go:

1) GATOR (I've had Maya users nearly go into a seizure of disbelief when
I've shown them GATOR in the past)

2) Non-destructive adaption of modeling work across shapes weights etc.
(when a client wants a this has been a lifesaver in Soft all
these years)

3) Proxy Parameters (so nice for the animators not to have to hunt and peck
like on Maya rigs)

4) Delta referencing with internal and external aspects and the ability to
choose what information is saved and multiple resolutions to share the data
effortlessly across a range of rigs and geos (the ability to spit aspects
of internal and external referencing is amazingly powerful as is the
ability to switch between rigs and geos without losing data)

5) Pass & partition  (instead of the ridiculous render layers)

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Scott Lange <>wrote:

> 1.       Modeling, polygonal manipulation
> 2.       Passes and Partitions
> 3.       ICE
> 4.       Construction History
> 5.       Community



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