There may be a case here for an Antitrust Class Action Lawsuit against
Autodesk.  We would need to have a lawyer look at the details and I'm not
the person to be able to do this, as I don't have the resources,
connections or credibility to do so.

However, if successful, it is potentially possible that Autodesk could be
forced to divest their Softimage assets, aka. they could be compelled by a
court to sell Softimage to a competitor at it's fair market value.

Anyways, maybe someone out there in the aether can give the idea a shot, I
would not know where to start outside of this initial suggestion.

The Federal Trade Commission along with the Department of Justice Antitrust
Division jointly regulate and enforce Antitrust Law and Anti-Competitive
Monopoly practices.

Anyways, this might work a little better than a petition to Autodesk or
other-such cries for a change of heart, but the petition someone put out
there to Autodesk might serve some use when presenting the idea to a
Lawyer(s).  I think a lot of people and interested parties might just
support crowdfunding for legal fees.  Good luck.

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