Do we really need threads like this?
This list has gone to shit, and while some people have been consistently or
predominantly posting interesting and constructive thoughts or initiatives
in the process (Jordi, Tim, Alastair etc.), some others have,however,
elected to do nothing but post snarky BS and one liners that are nothing
but rioting and non-sense, largely people who were practically unheard of
before this debacle, many of which completely unseen before just a few
years, if not even just months ago.

Some of it was warranted and all, it's tough times, but at some point it'd
be nice if the community AD inflicted such a blow on didn't eat itself out
into uselessness from the inside.
This list could still be useful for something more informative and
constructive than posting funny pictures, could we please make an effort to
enable a recovery?

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