Dear Raffaele,

simply i don't see the difference on this thread, who was the person that
just posted a joke, its just a joke.
You are right that a lot of us maybe didn't post a lot on the group, but it
doesn't  make it a rule for who can post and who not.
I've been following this list since 1999 aprox and learn a lot from you and
the people you mention, and must say that some of us don't post as much as
you guys do, or at all, but that doesn't mean we can't post a simple
comment or a joke...


On Thursday, March 20, 2014, Raffaele Fragapane <>

> With all due reciprocated respect, you've been around scarcely a year and
> 90% of your posts are post acquisition rants, insults to individuals who
> might or might not have had anything to do with recent events (some of them
> genuinely trying to help), and generally being poisonous without a single
> constructive comment in sight.
> Had it been Brad or Jordi posting it would have been humour, in your case
> it's the continuation of incessant noise, and I could sincerely do without
> it.
> Others might disagree, or find it inappropriate, but that's my piece.
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Emilio Hernandez 
> <<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
> > wrote:
>> With all my respect Raffaele.
>> Due to the last events a little humor makes no harm.  The list will
>> return to normality as the waters take their course again.
>> Cheers.
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
>> 2014-03-20 18:00 GMT-06:00 Raffaele Fragapane <
>> >:
>> Do we really need threads like this?
>>> This list has gone to shit, and while some people have been consistently
>>> or predominantly posting interesting and constructive thoughts or
>>> initiatives in the process (Jordi, Tim, Alastair etc.), some others
>>> have,however, elected to do nothing but post snarky BS and one liners that
>>> are nothing but rioting and non-sense, largely people who were practically
>>> unheard of before this debacle, many of which completely unseen before just
>>> a few years, if not even just months ago.
>>> Some of it was warranted and all, it's tough times, but at some point
>>> it'd be nice if the community AD inflicted such a blow on didn't eat itself
>>> out into uselessness from the inside.
>>> This list could still be useful for something more informative and
>>> constructive than posting funny pictures, could we please make an effort to
>>> enable a recovery?
> --
> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
> and let them flee like the dogs they are!

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