Hi Jon:

I would add RapidRig (and its newer modular version) and CreatureRigs to that list :) RapidRig is not free though. They are, however, the closest to GEAR that I know of publicly available for Maya if you don't want/have no time to make your own.

I would stay away from abAutoRig, as our school forced us to use it and I was amazed at how terribly it was set up (and it's not free!). Not to publicly diss, but...it was just very weirdly scripted and its own tools have issues across versions of Maya.

Some links:




Personally I think aSkeleton is one of the best free autoriggers I've seen out there, and it's really nice, apart from a few bugs/issues I have with it. The more recent versions have some really nice features in now though, and he's always updating regularly so that's a bonus.

Hope this helps!

Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

On 3/27/2014 5:45 PM, David Gallagher wrote:
On 3/27/2014 6:07 PM, Jon Hunt wrote:
I agree with not teaching EOL software it may not be approprite for you. However I'm not totally undecided or against migrating over the 3 years. Obviously it depends on the set up of the syllabus and staffing.

Hi David,
I have many questions but my my initial questioning is around character setup and what is an appropriate autorigger (that could complement some rigging principles)

We currently use the rigging tools as well as the biped as well as some Gear.

The Maya ones I have on my research radar so far are:
Advanced skeleton
Human IK

Hi! We don't use auto riggers. We teach them how to do things manually, then script simple tasks. Then the last rigging course is learning how to automate tasks in python in Maya. So, make an auto-rigged body part.

I don't teach any of those classes -- I don't really keep current on Maya and don't enjoy rigging in it, so we have some other instructors involved in that. I teach the aesthetic side of things.

Kind regards,

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:27 PM, David Gallagher <davegsoftimagel...@gmail.com <mailto:davegsoftimagel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 3/27/2014 5:21 PM, Jon Hunt wrote:
    My chat today was very constructive and supportive. I would
    certainly request that if you haven't already, contact Maurice
    and he can put you in touch with the best channels.

    It's far from rosie as I have a lot of retraining in a short
    space of time and a lot of equivalents to find/discover that
    they don't exist. If there are any educators that already have
    Maya in their syllabus that can offer some advice I would be


    We teach in Maya  (with some support for Softimage, that is now
    winding down.)
    Do you have any specific question?

    Kind regards,

    On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:38 PM, David Gallagher
    <mailto:davegsoftimagel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Oh, that's good. The educational side of this debacle was
        perhaps handled the worst.

        On 3/27/2014 4:03 PM, Jon Hunt wrote:
        Hi David,
        I had a Skype call today from a chap from autodesk where it
        was confirmed from the feedback they have received, the
        free student versions shall be offered for another year
        (timeframe - iirc it was a year) to aid migration of the
        education community.

        I have certainly found this useful in our plans

        On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 9:04 PM, Jason S
        <jasonsta...@gmail.com <mailto:jasonsta...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Yet I'm sure that a number of positive silver linings
            would come out of this in coming versions of Maya,

            On 03/27/14 16:36, Jason S wrote:

            Nad Center in Montreal is also hit pretty hard..(among

            The thought of where XSI7 was heading,
            in that sense I can undestand what may have motivated
            the measures taken in consequence.

            Typical sentiment in Area Forum back then

                /  .. with programs like Houdini and XSI 7 (with ICE)
                gaining a lot of ground in the development arena,
                 is Autodesk actually taking a hard look at Maya
                and making it more stable while providing new

                The underlying theme I get from people on forums
                is if Maya 2009 doesn't deliver
                or Autodesk doesn't lay out some sort of roadmap
                worthy of sticking around,
                people will in fact jump to XSI or Houdini./

            Makes me wonder where XSI would be today, had it not
            been subject to Laws of the Jungle.

            I'm sure Maya would have been very much (if not more)
            alive & well... as well..
            (having more reasons to keep-up)

            On 03/27/14 15:32, David Gallagher wrote:
            Hello! We will begin to remove Softimage assignment
            options, unfortunately, as it appears the students
            will no longer be able to download a student version,
            and we would be unwise to promote it for their sakes.

            We will continue to offer our more advanced rigs in
            Softimage to the animation students who may already
            have it, and our free, public rigs as well.

            I will continue to show Softimage's amazing
            capabilities to our students in my extra help
            sessions with the students.

            Thanks for the compliment!
            Dave G

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