Very well said Jordi.
Thank you for posting this to the list.

A sad day indeed.

I have been sick for days (a real nasty cold, not just being sad about
Softimage), and now that I am finally resurfacing,
I found that the worst thing has happened:


I am now just resigned to having to learn a new package (which of course I
always knew from the moment the announcement was made).
It is just a different thing when reality is approaching, than it is once
it has already hit you in the gut and passed you by.

I love Softimage. But now she is gone.
Sure I can still use it, but the way forward MUST include a new DCC.

Time to get cracking on firing up these 46 year old brain cells.

Houdini and Modo seems to be the way forward.
Also looking closely at Fabric.

One question regarding Houdini... Mantra seems quite powerful, with VEX and
What Houdini seems to lack, though, are any plugin renderers that are
working inside of Houdini (as opposed to
being a stand alone that you export to). Is that correct? Lately I have
really loved the speed of Redshift.
I really hope those guys move towards getting Redshift inside Houdini.

Anyone know of any embedded renderers inside Houdini?

Thanks again,


On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Jordi Bares <> wrote:

> Jordi Bares
> On 29 Mar 2014, at 11:24, "Tenshi S." <> wrote:
> Indeed, we need noise, in every cg online magazine.
> On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 12:45 AM, David Saber <> wrote:
>> Touché :)
>> On 2014-03-28 19:12, Christoph Muetze wrote:


Perry Harovas
Animation and Visual Effects <>

-25 Years Experience
-Member of the Visual Effects Society (VES)

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