Hi Matt, I didn't know about  "CurrentVertexColor", thx for that!

Here's what I ended up with in the mean time:

for oObj in Application.Selection:
    for oMat in oObj.Materials:
     Application.SetInstanceDataValue(oObj.FullName, oMat.FullName + ".CAV", 

Controlling vertex colors on a per material bases allows to make them visible 
per cluster, but atm it seems to be partly broken because objects displaying 
CAV per cluster causes the parts of the object no displaying any CAV to show 
seemingly random colors, which is really distracting  and odd looking.

Anyway, I got what I needed, thx again everybody.

If you need to disable CAV display for a viewport (instead of per object), you 
can do so via the display options.

(Display >) Display Options > Vertex Color > Never show (use material)
An alternate method for removing the current vertex color for an object in 
// JScript
var oObject = Selection(0);
oObject.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.CurrentVertexColor = null;

Ah great,a punch in the crown jewels just when I needed it. I could've =20
sworn I tried both None and "None"
Thx Vladimir.


   Stefan Kubicek ste...@keyvis.at
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