Hi Raf,

They show you how to tear away the outliner...the only reason that I had
never found that is that the capability doesn't exist with the floating
window...you have to use the panel display one, *then* you can get the
magic command so long as you enable "echo all commands" ... -_-
This is the one useful thing that I got out of the video and I'm grateful
that I watched it if only for this one piece of information.

and the Maya devs/fanboys wonder why we look at them with a WTF!?

<drips sarcasm> Ooooh! I almost forgot! they also show you how to mel
script a hotkey for toggling on a free tangent weight in the curve editor.
<drips sarcasm/> Something that should be on by default.

There are only two things that I like better about the Maya FCurve editor
1) the independent pre & post infinity cycle 2) the keyframe lattice (&
even that needs improvement.) All the rest please make work like Softimage.
Our lead animator was a Dyed in the wool Maya user until he used Softimage
for a few months, now he complains about the Maya FCurve editor whenever he
has to do a Maya project.


On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 7:54 PM, Raffaele Fragapane <
raffsxsil...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I've only glanced at the first part before my eyes glazed over.
> Is it actually really sixteen minutes worth of setting up hotkeys or
> there's something more interesting going on later?



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