I for one welcome our Borg-bot overlords ;) (sorry Leendert...your last
sentence brought this to image to mind so vividly that I laughed out loud
and had to share...no hard feelings)

I think it is fine to show some simple stuff too, but these are "
*transition*" videos; it was not "beneath me" so much as beneath what this
video series is supposed to be. So, by all means show the
graham-crackers-and-milk information, just be sure to mix in with some
meatier concepts to keep the viewing worthwhile. There are plenty of "I'm
new to 3D and here is how I get a cube" videos.

I gave my first impression, and you only get to make a first impression
once. So, hopefully there will be more production oriented concepts such as
good referencing and asset practices marbled with the fluff concepts like
changing the shape of a node. A good example it how UV editing is different
in Maya in how you have to cut and sew islands vs. the toggle button that
it is in Softimage (I haven't checked if this is still true in Maya 2015,
but I am assuming that it is)

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Leendert A. Hartog <hirazib...@live.nl>wrote:

> Looks like a good start
> and I personally think not just focusing on "complex workflows" but also
> on "workarounds" is a good idea
> even if that means part of the series will be beneath some... I for one
> welcome this series very much.
> ;)
> Greetz
> Leendert
> --
> Leendert A. Hartog AKA Hirazi Blue
> Administrator NOT the owner of si-community.com



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