
MR hair geometry is flat ribbon, but the normal is computed from a virtual cylinder like a normal map with full control over shaft radius and taper along the length. For most practical purposes it should create the desired look. Using the utility shaders (math/lookup nodes) available in the rendertree, you can read hair UV coords and surface normal yourself if you want to shade them differently than the provided hair shaders. Mental ray stores hair information in the state which can be accessed by any shader which cares to dig into that information.

The reason for flat ribbon is to allow hair to be represented as physical geometry which can be styled and groomed, respond to dynamics, and use material/texture shaders for shading while keeping memory consumption low/reasonable (representing hair as geometry is hugely expensive). Mental ray does offer true cylinder hair, but to get cylinder hair would require the hair shader to be implemented as a volume shader (which would have it's own set of issues). I believe that was how the original softimage hair shader from 10 years ago was implemented. It rendered hair convincingly for the basics such as highlights, but most people didn't like it because as a volume shader it did not permit styling and grooming (or at least not much control over it), and rendered quite slow with frequent crashing as mental ray volumes can be a bit finicky.

I experimented with hair rendering in mental ray for Barnyard all those years ago. From a purely technical point of view, writing shaders for hair isn't too hard - it's just standard material/texture shader with additional metadata for the hair. The key to getting results is being smart with your render settings. You must be stringent on ray depth, recursion, shadow type, memory limits, and so on. Setting them too generously will make your render times go through the roof as you're telling mental ray to wander and find things to do which probably aren't necessary. the default render settings in Softimage are probably too generous for hair.


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