Yep, Maya is a complete disaster if you're trying to create actual UVs based on 
a camera projection. For some reason (in my experience at least), Maya always 
fits the resulting UVs to the 0->1 region afterwards which makes it completely 
useless (it must do it just for lolz I guess). If I recall correctly, it won't 
leave it as a live operation either. Quite how this functionality has remained 
in its current state is quite beyond me. I guess no one actually uses it. 

AFAIK, I think the way most people do it, is to use a camera projection shader, 
and have a duplicate camera in the scene. 

Quite happy to stand corrected on any of the above if you know a way to make it 
work in the proper (Soft) way. I guess there's probably a mel script for it. 



> On 6 Jan 2015, at 11:22, Chris Marshall <> wrote:
> Hi All, and happy new year
> Really sorry to have to ask a Maya question, but I'm struggling generally 
> with texturing, texture supports and the difference between Soft and Maya. 
> But the one thing I can't figure out is how to camera map / camera 
> projection, which was so easy in Soft. Any thoughts?
> Thanks
> Chris

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