A valid point, and one that i support entirely. I enter here a while ago,
because of Softimage, not because of Maya or Blender, if i would like to
hear about those app i would go to the proper forums/mailing list, etc.
Everytime i come to gmail and verifiy my forums section, i encounter a few
topics about other things that are not Softimage related. What it's the
meaning of this mailing list, then?

One thing i support too it's a thread dedicated only to people who are
migrating or finding solutions, but one thread only, not 20 of them saying
"Maya it's better because of this, and Blender do amazing cycle renders"
and blabla.

Another thing it's threads dedicated only to Maya/Blender/3Dmax <>
Softimage interaction, that's something you really want to learn about it
and deserves their own thread.

C'mon guys, we know Softimage it's EOL, but that doesn't mean we need to
keep killing it.
You know that maybe this mailing list it's the only place aside from a few
forums to talk and keep learning about Softimage?

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Matt Lind <speye...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I side with Sven on the matter.
> People seem to have confused the concept of forum with mailing list.  If
> you want to discuss anything and everything, go to a forum as it's designed
> for that sort of thing.  people can view only what they desire to view and
> easily ignore what they don't care about.  Migration, plugins, tutorials
> for product X, and whatever will surely be welcomed there.
> A mailing list is intended for narrow on-topic discussion and not much
> else because any content submitted is distributed to the entire community
> intended or not.  Having a lot of non-topic discussion on a mailing list is
> synonymous to being loud and rude in a library while people are trying to
> read and study.  While some tangents are OK to keep things interesting,
> let's try to keep the balance in favor of on topic discussion.  Lately the
> noise has been higher than the signal.
> Softimage may be EOL, but some of us must continue using it for an
> indefinite period of time.  When trying to find solutions to problems in a
> timely manner using the archives or direct help from the user base, we
> don't need our few remaining channels of support clogged with noise causing
> a potential solution to be missed in sea of false positives.
> Matt
> Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 00:17:30 +0200
> From: "Sven Constable" <sixsi_l...@imagefront.de>
> Subject: RE: Is purchasing a new softimage license impossible?
> Then I'd like change "we"with "me" in my statement if you feel more
> comfortable with it. I do respect you the same way as I respect the list.
> This list is the most proficient source of information in a same way a
> platform for professionals is meant to discuss even everything else. That?s
> my point.  This is the softimage mailing list. I read maya topics all the
> time. 3Dsmax, for gods sake and will tolerate it. And Houdini? Well, it's
> very welcome and Modo for sure. But discusing freeware? C'mon!
> Well the problem I had was not actually arguing with specific modeling in
> Blender but the promotion of it in this list. I do not think this is the
> right place to promote software.
> sven
> From:  <mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com>
> softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com [ <mailto:
> softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com> mailto:
> softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Eric Thivierge
> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:19 PM
> To:  <mailto:softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>
> softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
> Subject: Re: Is purchasing a new softimage license impossible?
> Hey Sven,
> I'm not sure you have the right to police this list like that. I don't
> mind if this kind of stuff is posted here. So when you use the word "we"
> I'm not sure who you're speaking for but it certainly isn't the whole of
> this list.
> Anyone wanting to share new ways of working and tools should be able to.
> This wasn't forbidden before the EOL for Softimage so it shouldn't be now.
> Especially since the EOL.
> Eric T.
> On 5/14/2015 5:10 PM, Sven Constable wrote:
> Hey Chris, we have some problem if people want to promote their software
> in a inappropriate way. ADSK did this this on the list. Newtek an SideFX
> did it as well. It's alright. But please keep in mind, this is the
> softimage mailing list.
> If I want to model with hobbyist software, controlled by hobbyists I will
> choose Blender. If you want to promote a software for hobbyists, you should
> use the appropiate forums.
> sven

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