
The only differences in a default spot light are the default
spot_light.cone_angle and the spot_light.samples.

   - MtoA sets the cone_angle to 40 (the Arnold default is 65)
   - SItoA sets the samples to 2 (the Arnold default is 1)

Here's the non-default settings from ASS files exported from Maya and

# MtoA default
 name spotLightShape1
 cone_angle 40

# SItoA default
 name Spot.SItoA.6000
 samples 2

And here's the Arnold defaults:

# Arnold defaults
kick -info spot_light
node:         spot_light
type:         light
output:       (null)
parameters:   33
filename:     <built-in>

Type          Name                              Default
------------  --------------------------------  -----------------------

POINT[]       position                          0, 0, 0
POINT[]       look_at                           0, 0, -1
VECTOR[]      up                                0, 1, 0
FLOAT         radius                            0
FLOAT         lens_radius                       0
FLOAT         cone_angle                        65
FLOAT         penumbra_angle                    0
FLOAT         cosine_power                      0
FLOAT         aspect_ratio                      1
ENUM          decay_type                        quadratic
MATRIX[]      matrix
RGB           color                             1, 1, 1
FLOAT         intensity                         1
FLOAT         exposure                          0
BOOL          cast_shadows                      true
BOOL          cast_volumetric_shadows           true
FLOAT         shadow_density                    1
RGB           shadow_color                      0, 0, 0
INT           samples                           1
BOOL          normalize                         true
BOOL          affect_diffuse                    true
BOOL          affect_specular                   true
BOOL          affect_volumetrics                true
FLOAT         diffuse                           1
FLOAT         specular                          1
FLOAT         sss                               1
FLOAT         indirect                          1
INT           max_bounces                       999
NODE[]        filters                           (empty)
FLOAT[]       time_samples                      (2 elements)
INT           volume_samples                    2
FLOAT         volume                            1
STRING        name

A light has Intensity and Exposure parameters, both in MtoA and in SItoA.


Solid Angle Support

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey List have been messing around and comparing Mtoa with Sitoa
> Is it just me or is Penumbra a very different thing in each versions ?
> sitoa feels like you start from scratch, absolute zero, and work up, Mtoa
> feels like you just walked into a previously saved preset. it looks a
> little nicer, but i can't shake the niggling feeling that it starts from a
> stylized/physically inaccurate base.
> Does anyone know how to soften the falloff on a spotlight ?
> Cause Penumbra doesn't seem to do that in Mtoa.
> and is exposure in the Arnold settings in Mtoa = to The light intensity in
> Sitoa ?

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