I see, I don't know any setting to change this behaviour or solution other
than use drag select instead of click select when you are using move or
rotation tools for selection, or use the selection tool.

I find this annoying when using tweaking for components, if I lack
precision I end up moving the object. In this case I usually lock
translation attributes but in your case I don't think this would be a good


On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This occurs when using the translate rotation or scale tools/manipulators,
> not the regular selection tool, the one with the cursor symbol is fine.
> On 18 January 2016 at 05:17, Sebastien Sterling <
> sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> No, Pick/Marquee
>> i've tried all of them.
>> On 18 January 2016 at 05:14, Martin <furik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> are you using tweak mode ?
>>> Martin
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> > On 2016/01/18, at 13:29, Sebastien Sterling <
>>> sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hey Guys.
>>> >
>>> > Am setting up an mGear biped guide. (mGear is not the problem, cheers
>>> Miquel it is really cool !)
>>> >
>>> > Every (FUCKING) time i go to select a control/mesh, it snaps to my
>>> mouse, or activates a manipulator handle, moving the selection a fraction
>>> away from it's initial position.
>>> >
>>> > Sometimes it will even select something that is in the proximity of
>>> what i want to select, and snaps it to my cursor.
>>> >
>>> > I have no idea why this is a thing. is it some (demented) selection
>>> mode for animators to move stuff faster ?
>>> >
>>> > My workaround so far has been to draw selection boxes, when
>>> endeavoring to select controls.
>>> >
>>> > Is there something that needs to be unticked to banish this Troll like
>>> functionality.
>>> >
>>> > If there is i have not found it.
>>> >
>>> > Does anyone know what the f... this is and how it can be dealt with.
>>> >
>>> > PS: i hope whoever is responsible for this particular "feature" gets
>>> Ebola, and not the fun kind...

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