
Did you modify any of the Convert NURBS to Polygon Options? Use the option box 
for the command if you have and try different settings. It will take a little 
experimentation to get the hang of it. But I doubt that’s your problem. 

So..... about Solids to Nurbs to Polys. This has always been a difficult 
process. Used to do a lot of this kind of stuff from ProE to Soft 3D. This is 
one of the areas though where Maya is well suited because it imports such a 
high number of CAD formats natively. The problem as you describe it is likely 
starting at the Solidworks side. Heres why:

If you created the geometry as a solid, as with any application that generates 
these kind of objects, ProE, Solidworks, that kind of thing, Solids are not 
like Nurbs. They are mathematical representations which are geared towards 
creating watertight assemblies that can be sent to a 3D printer. There can be 
no unsealed objects in this path to the printer. The closest crude 
approximation or analogy I can give is that they are more similar to 
"booleaned" polygon primitives. But that is a severe oversimplification. 

When you convert a solid to Nurbs, the solids modeler has to figure out what to 
do with it. A solid of a sphere doesn’t translate to a nurbs sphere, so when 
you export it as IGES the software goes through all soft of machinations to try 
and figure out how to make b-spline surfaces out of it. Generally what happens 
most often, as was the case with ProE at least it would create surface 
approximations of a topology it could understand and then trim off the surfaces 
where they intersect. So for example, a solid sphere might get converted into 8 
nurbs surfaces that are trimmed off to form 8 semi quadrants of the sphere. Not 
very efficient when in maya all we need is a single NURBS surface. Create any 
complex topology and it will just keep breaking it down further and further 
until it’s a shape it thinks is reasonable for a spline surface and then trim 
off any excesses. I converted a solids generated iges of an airplane once into 
Soft 3D this way it took several hours to load on a massive Onyx SGI. It 
contained thousands of surfaces and multiple trims per each surface. It was 

Dependent upon the detail given to the original solid and whether its been 
shrinkwrapped or not, results will vary. But suffice it to say, solid to Nurbs 
to polys is not the best of paths. What you want to do is convert the solid to 
a mesh inside Solidworks. I don't know Solidworks so I am thinking you'll want 
to send an STL out of Solidworks. Look into "shrinkwrapping" it can also help 
the process. We used to have to do that in ProE, but don't know what its 
equivalent might be in SW. Then read the STL into Maya. There may be some 
cleanup but it should be mostly deleting stuff you don’t need and sealing edges 
where necessary. Generally an STL is a "poly mesh" but dependent upon the 
tolerances and granularity of the original solid they can be very course or 
very fine, think similar to render tesselation on NURBS, but for a "mesh" (not 
really a mesh, that’s why its called a solid). Once out of Solidworks though it 
can't be changed anymore so you have to manage the tolerances from the solids 
modeler side. 

After looking at what is currently supported I see Maya DirectConnect supports 
something called SW so I'm going to guess it might be able to read native 
Solidworks in directly? Never tried it so not sure but that would be worth a 
shot as well. Search Maya help for SW_DC. When dealing with a solid it always 
best to stay as close to the native formats as possible, but exporting as Nurbs 
(iges) from a solids modeler is not something I would recommend.

Joey Ponthieux
LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES II)
Science Systems and Applications Inc. (SSAI)
NASA Langley Research Center
Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not 
represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com [mailto:softimage-
> boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of David Saber
> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 4:45 AM
> To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
> Subject: Converting Nurbs to Polygons
> Hello list!
> I need to convert Solidworks IGES nurbs to polygons.
> In Softimage, the IGES import fails and creates nothing more than a null. So
> I'm testing Maya to achieve this. In Maya, the function is available in 
> Modify >
> convert > nurbs to polygon. This works well, but I don't understand why the
> resulting object has too many faces, has corrupted geometry and inverted
> faces. Nurbs object are always simple, grid-like surfaces, that are just 
> given a
> shape, so why aren't they translated into similar polygonal objects?
> After this conversion, I export as FBX and import into Softimage where I
> spend too much time cleaning the mesh. Is there a faster way to do this?
> Thanks,
> David

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