Totally agree with Adrian. It's not  1998... 2005... or even 2010 any more. 
Turn around is very fast now, for industry projects. Very fast.

In 2010 I worked up the nerve to jump ship and head out on my own as a 
freelancer. At that time I had been using Maya for 4 years at a game studio; 
before that I  was using Max. I had not touched Softimage in at least 5 years, 
I was most familiar with Maya at the time. But when I jumped, I switched to SI 
because I knew I had to compete in a very competitive environment. SI was (and 
is) a production tool a single user and small group can use to get a job done 
from concept to completion out of the box (well... with the purchase of a 
Redshift license). AD no longer offers a product that fills that niche.

Subject: RE: Goodbyes (was this is the end...)
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 10:27:17 +0000

still using soft, still lurking (and
posting occasionally!!)


our problem is a double edged one;


more people moving to other software, and
no new blood, means less available freelancers (yes i got your mails, will be
in touch when stuff shows up!)


but more importantly, having spoken to a
few seasoned maya vets, we simply CANNOT do the kind of low end TV 3D graphics
we currently can with maya

we often only have a day or two to do a
shot for a tv doc, think about that for a minute, that's often modelling,
light, rig, render and a couple of hours for comp


budgets are only getting smaller, so the
time allowed for a sequence goes down, but no app (other than soft) that i am
aware of enables this kind of fast turn around


and before anyone points out that low end
tv work is a niche circumstance, this will spread, i know commercials budgets
aren't what they were either....


bottom line, as an industry, up against
shrinking budgets/deadlines, we simply can't use an app that throws up road
blocks to your workflow every 3 clicks of the mouse



/end rant


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