pretty sure you could:

Get PointPosition => Build Array From Set => Set Data (self.myDataArray {or
whatever name you choose})

Then use a Get Data node referencing "self.myDataArray" if in the same
ICEtree, or referencing the geo or pointcloud you set the data on if
applying to other geo.

I think it needs to get more complex if you're building the pointPosition
array from a pointcloud that has a varying number of points, like a sim in
which particles are being created or deleted...

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 9:12 PM, Jeremie Passerin <>

> Hey guys,
> I'm not sure if there is many people left on that list to answer, but I
> thought I'll give it a shot.
> I was wondering if there is a way with ICE to cache point position per
> frame internaly without saving to file.
> I'm thinking maybe I could build an array of point position, and then read
> from that... not sure how to do that though.
> Any idea ?
> Thanks,
> Jeremie
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