I forgot to mention they are set in the setenv.bat and are identical on all 
workstations, and are set for clients by a RoyalRender setenv file, so it 
should be good.


> Den 24. oktober 2016 klokken 13:20 skrev Sven Constable 
> <sixsi_l...@imagefront.de>:
> as a start I would:
> check the environment variables of the client (COntrol panel/ Advanced
> system settings/ environment variables.... Check if there are
> "solidangle_LICENSE" and  "MOOTZOID_LICENSE_HOST". Both should point to the
> server name (skynet). Port number is optional. Standard is 5053 and will be
> used if no port is defined.  I would just compare the env variables with
> another render client and make sure they are identical.
> I always set them as system variables, not user variables. 
> sven
> -----Original Message-----
> From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com
> [mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Morten
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 11:09 AM
> To: Userlist, Softimage
> Subject: OTish - Problem getting license for renderclient
> We have a renderclient which all of a sudden is apparently not getting
> access to our RLM license server but does connect to the same server
> (skynet) which also provides Softimage license, as I can run Softimage UI on
> it. So it can ping skynet, but does apparently not get access to ask for a
> license from RLM. The ISV Solidangle Status says no license usage and no
> denials.
> The error message I get is:
> ' WARNING : [arnold] [rlm] error checking out license for arnold (version
> 20150930):
> ' WARNING : [arnold] [rlm]  * No license for product (-1)
> I can't get a license for other RLM based products either (Mootzoid) so
> there is a RLM hickup, but the RLM manual is not very helpful so I thought
> I'd ask here.
> Does anyone know what the -1 message means and perhaps can offer some advice
> on how to proceed with troubleshooting this one? And I don't know what might
> have changed on that client - our other renderclients run just fine and the
> setup should be identical.
> Thanks
> Morten
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