There are alternative business models though. For example, one where you 
polish and release in-house tools:

Anyone know what's happened to it? Is it still in active development?

On 01/03/2017 12:27, Matt Lind wrote:
> I don't think we'll see new comprehensive DCC applications in the 3D space,
> other than possibly Fabric Engine if they decide to go in that direction.
> The 1990s taught us it's a very expensive, time consuming, high risk,
> resource intensive effort that sells to a limited market.  Most of these
> applications took 3-4 years to engineer a new core and only Softimage did a
> complete ground-up rewrite on that schedule (with Microsoft money to burn).
> The others borrowed pieces of existing technology.  Once these apps hit the
> market, it was another few years of lean cash flow until industry trusted
> them enough to adopt for general use.  That's another way of saying you need
> at least 5 years of funding to undertake such an effort.
> The industry has evolved and expanded since the 1990s, but prices have
> plummeted.   Maya was originally released with MSRP of $35,000 USD.
> Softimage at $13,995 USD.  You have to sell a lot more licenses these days
> to recoup costs.
> Another issue is the market has fragmented so much each specialty is
> steering towards it's own dedicated toolset.  While new DCC's are desired,
> they don't appear to be a practical option.  Going against the established
> players is taking on a field of giants - and they have a good number of
> patents for really important technology too.  To compete in today's market,
> you need a different formula to cause enough disruption backed by someone
> with great ambition and cash.  Elon Musk is probably the most recent
> example, but despite all the resources, you can see how long and difficult
> it has been for Tesla to penetrate the market.  Software isn't automobiles,
> but the analogy holds.
> Matt
> Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2017 00:50:01 +0100
> From: Sebastien Sterling <>
> Subject: Re: Getting close to a 3 year old EOL annyversary
> See you later Space Software... (do you even reference mate ? )
> When will the next generation of digital content creation tools/Platforms
> happen I wonder ? Fabric is beating the fanfare don't get me wrong, but it
> feels like we are late for a new member in the full solution family,
> something that makes use of the advances made in tech... since after 1998.
> Also out of interest what would people like to see in It? Other then a row
> of AD ceo's heads on sticks at boot up?
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