It’s also worth learning about the Wedge output node. You can use this to 
automate channel variations and/or link it to the Takes system.


[] On Behalf Of Jordi Bares
Sent: 23 March 2017 12:36
To:; Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list 
Subject: Re: Random Thoughts about H.


Indeed, no matter which software we choose we will certainly miss Softimage 
overrides and passes… Houdini offers a few approaches but none of them is as 
smooth and easy as Softimage.


The best route I have round is to use Object_Merges to do the overrides but 
indeed it is not as nice… :-P


BTW, check Material Style Sheets… will open some new avenues that may be useful.





On 23 Mar 2017, at 08:50, Rob Wuijster < <> 
> wrote:


@Jordi and others:

Besides all the new stuff to learn, where - as you said - some stuff is easier 
than others (VEX), my main gripe is rendering.
I still try to get some workflow running where I can easily create 
Passes/Partitions/overrides like I did in Softimage.

I know it's not the same thing in H, but not being able to quickly override 
shaders on top scene level, or in bundles is a huge miss.
It often results in multiple shaders and switches.

There's also Takes, but from what I've read on it most people stay clear from 
it. And there's material stylesheets which are a tad over-designed and not 
really user friendly imho.

So any workflows people developed on rendering, after starting to use Houdini, 
are very much welcome.


On 22-3-2017 11:36, Jordi Bares wrote:

Yet for the points mentioned, I would have an easier time agreeing with you if 
indeed I found "some things to be easier, and others not", whereas beyond what 
could be associated to "XSI muscle memory",  the sheer quantity or proportions 
of things that are not not just easier, but considerably much (much!) easier, 
makes it hard to just overlook and just "go with it", especially when knowing 
how things can be.

Putting aside the fact we have to move out of Softimage sooner or later 
(hardware, OS, drivers, freelancers, support, etc… will eventually force us out)
Putting aside those areas Sofimage can’t compete because it does not have the 
functionality (heavy duty FX mostly, Terrains, Game integration, etc…)
I would like to focus on those day to day scenarios you feel are not easy in 
Houdini, after all we could submit this input to Side Effects.
Is there any particular scenario you feel strongly Softimage is much more 
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