> On May 13, 2018, at 10:00 PM, Matt Lind <speye...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> An example of the boiler plate burden is exactly what was already discussed – 
> modeling and tweaking as that's a good bulk of the early work. Bad first 
> impressions can be a major deterrent.
> Another example is the need to learn the various categories of operators 
> (SOPS, CHOPS, VOPS, …). Sometimes nodes from different categories do the same 
> thing. that adds confusion. If nodes from one category cannot work with a 
> node of a different category, then that's a problem too. This is where 
> documentation is sorely needed. It's not strictly a case of a SOP does this 
> and a VOP does that, but rather a discussion about strategy. When is it 
> appropriate to use the various OPs? When should a SOP be used in place of 
> wrangled nodes, or vice versa? that is a huge void in the documentation and a 
> place where users easily get lost and frustrated to the point they throw in 
> the towel.

I wholeheartedly agree, further improvements are needed. Have you given this 
> In short, Houdini has a lot of spring cleaning to do to tidy things up for 
> the generalist. Right now it's an idiosyncratic development environment. It 
> can be very powerful, but it requires a lot of inside knowledge to use it. 
> The generalist doesn't want to (or need to) deal with the inside knowledge. 
> They need something they can hit the ground running without fuss.
I’ve had three freelancers with very different backgrounds (maya, softimage) 
and I had them up and running in Houdini in 2-3 days. They were able to move on 
very quickly from there. Scene assembly, lighting and rendering.
None of them had a technical background, quite the opposite.

> As for the show dependencies thingy, that's just it. I don't want to see more 
> wires inside of a graph which is already very crowded, messy, and lacking 
> structure. There needs to be a way to illustrate the structured connectivity 
> at a high level so users aren't forced into the weeds to get basic 
> information.

Help me understand, how is this not the case with the Schematic view? It’s 
still the preferred view for most of our animators.

> With ICE or the rendertree in Softimage, the nodes were text-based so you 
> could follow the logic while hiding unconnected ports. However, even ICE 
> trees could get very complex very quickly, so the use of compounds were 
> introduced, and while that helped, it wasn't the same as a schematic view as 
> compounds could be recursively nested to very deep levels hiding the very 
> information you sought. Houdini's nodes are very iconic, but not very 
> descriptive as to what they do. You can see various node icon shapes, but 
> that still doesn't tell you the logic in the same way as following an ICE 
> tree or rendertree. The design/layout of the network view leads to lots of 
> bloat very fast making it difficult to keep track of your work when you get 
> beyond simple models.

I don’t follow, SOPs in current Houdini show the type name of the operator 
(node) above the node name making a graph quite readable. I can’t see how the 
render- nor icetree do better here, besides the default nodes having very 
descriptive names. Both approaches break once you introduce custom nodes 
(compounds/subnets) named shortsightedly (in most cases not named) by the user. 

> While networks make a lot of sense for VFX work, they are often less than 
> ideal for character driven work. Character work benefits more from 
> straightforward relationships which are easy to identify and follow as 
> characters are often a hub for other work such as VFX, simulations, 
> attachments, constraint interactions, and other details which come later in 
> the pipeline.

Networks represent spatial organization/view. No matter the task, some people 
prefer spatial navigation. Some prefer the hierarchical view for everything.

> People working in those later steps need to be able to quickly jump into the 
> asset and immediately know what to do and where to do it. They can't be 
> burdened with a messy network graph which they must study to the N'th degree 
> before they understand where to start.

Hmmm, I couldn’t save my live with either the explorer or the schematic in 
Softimage trying to figure out what a character rig does. To me this comes down 
to a level of expertise/familiarity to the task at hand. 



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